Snake Eyes: G.I. JOE Origins

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More movie references that bring in esoteric knowledge. Recently I rewatched SnakeEyes, G.I. Joe origins, as I have had a fascination with Ninjitsu and Japanese fighting styles since I was very young (not sure where this came in, but it has been in mind since I was 5 years old). Though SnakeEyes is not the best of movies overall, it does have some interesting visuals and some esoteric wisdom. The first is the 3rd test which represents the 3 snakes of the kundalini energy or the yin and yang. there is the white snake of tests, the black snake of tests and the grey snake of tests. This both represents the black and white elements of the yin and yang symbology with the middle colored grey snake representing the path between. Interestingly they judge the heart of the initiate and depending on where you are on your path, that specific snake color is the one that attacks. When SnakeEyes confronts the snakes the first time he is attacked by the grey snake representing the middle path—a representation of him moving towards the light from his past, also a character arch later on in the film… Later when Kenta Takamura is lured into the pit he is instantly attacked by the black headed snake representing his heart in darkness. It is interesting that the 3 headed snake also represents the holy trinity but that does not apply the same to this story. During the movie the main item to be possessed is called the “Jewel of the Sun” and it is interesting that main members and fallen members of the same ancient clan are trying to posses it and its powers. This is a direct reference the Amilius and Belail factors stemming off from the same group that once ruled Atlantis and fighting over the “Fire Stone” aka the Tuaoi Stone, which had very similar powers to the Jewel of the Sun in SnakeEyes. Sunch interesting and obscure references in a very forgettable movie. Seems to be the way that these topics are leaked into the subconsciousness of society.

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