It is interesting how ancient symbols make their way into popular culture. In the movie “Black Adam”, you see a familiar hand sign or “mudra” (a symbolic or ritual hand gesture) being flashed, of 2 hands making a triangle. Jay Z is trying to trademark this hand gesture, mudra, and Black Adam “clearly” stole it from him as many people are suggesting… However this is a much older hand symbol, mudra and hand sigil, and is known to the masonic order, and the ancient Hindus, before them, as the “triangle of manifestation” which clearly Jay Z has borrowed for his own ritualistic use. I do find its use interesting in the Black Adam (Shazam) movie as well as this is what unites the people and manifests the “champion”. It goes to show that people are surrounded by ancient symbols and have no idea what they are, or where they have come from. Anyhow another example in my upcoming shorts about the roots of some corporate symbols and symbolism in media and movies.